A BP like catastrophe will hit Hunters Point Naval Shipyard sooner not later. Once ninety five percent of what you see today at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard was wetlands. Wetlands are very useful to keep intact any eco-system.

However, the United States Navy chose to pollute the land first of all by in-filling materials that contained crushed Serpertinite rock that contains Asbestos structures and other mostly toxic materials. Then, conducting the most sacrileges act by spreading remains of the Ohlone Indian all over the Shipyard. The remains part of the Shellmound and two large hills that stood at Hunters Point and were destroyed by the U.S. Navy.

History knows well how GREEDY the white man has been in the Nation. Killing millions of Buffalo just for their skins and leaving mounds of flesh to rot and revealing to humankind the makeup of a kind of people - that knows no bounds when they set their eyes and want - everything.

The First People were here before anyone else. Yet, today many First People are put on Reservations far away from their original hunting grounds. Hundreds of Tribes do not have Federal Status and the U.S. Government thinks all is well. The Ohlone have been kept out of this equation because Lennar has chosen to use dirty and blood money to buy votes. Time will tell.

There is something called Karma and that is why a long time ago - I said: "no good ever, will come at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard". No one can desecrate and think for one single moment all will be well. Then be pompous enough to use the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to justify that everything is fine. There are no many adverse impacts and so many valid factors that have not been addressed. You cannot simply decide to build 10,500 homes, impact an entire area that is already polluted, have no respect for the Native American Graves Protection Act and Cultural Resources linked to the First People and think for a second all will be well. It simply does not go down like that.

Today, on the East Coast we are witnessing a catastrophe that will haunt us for thirty if not forty years and more. A rogue company British Petroleum (BP) has destroyed the Fish Basket on the East Coast and adversely impacted the entire Gulf of Mexico and closer to New Orleans that we all remember because of Katrina. This new catastrophe is shocking and for weeks BP lied to us and BP much like LENNAR will look at you, straight in the eye and lie.

Lennar is the past bombarded our children and elders and was fined $515,000. Lennar has been warned by many but also by the Environmental Protection Agency that is will use lies to further its devious ploys. In San Francisco the just will take on the devil that is Lennar. Of course CEQA and other laws are suspect because the folks responding on the comments the only avenue given to the public have chosen to pick and choose the comment they want to. I sent many and only about seven were addressed. So much for this corrupt City and County of San Francisco and the SF Planning Commission and its Zoning Administrator who has been fired because he was busy watching Porn while on duty and being paid by the City and County of San Francisco. Three others were fired too which gives one a glimpse of what really is happening at the SF Planning Department.

At the SF Redevelopment Agency those in charge like Stanley Maurioka have been the same ö pandering to Lennar and some other on the side like Dean Macris and some former Planners that once worked for the City and County of San Francisco. We are fully aware of these scum bags that will sell their souls for some little monetary gain.

The recent joint meeting held at City Hall in Room 250 on June 3, 2010 to hear comments on the Final, Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was a farce and an event full of ploys and machinations unfolding even as some decent constituents of San Francisco - were participating in a process that many ignorant, uneducated folks, bused from the Candlestick Point area and elsewhere were brought to City Hall - to carry out a charade of sorts - and focused of other mundane issues.

It is one thing to discuss the process of the 700 acres plus at Hunters Point that is a Superfund. It is quite another thing to mix in this process and discussion the woes and tribulations of some INDIGENT folks that live in Alice Griffith that is Public Housing. Public Housing is just that - Public Housing. Public Housing that is mostly housing on Federal Land that the Housing and Urban Department (HUD) took over, only to lease to the San Francisco Housing Authority - and it was never meant as permanent housing. It was always meant as Interim Housing.

The SF Housing Authority has with intent, let the Alice Griffith housing to run down. People live in despicable conditions and will live in such deplorable condition until 2016. No process worth its salt has started at Alice Griffith. The process takes years, much like what happened on Parcel A at Hunters Point. The process started in 2000 but today in 2010 - not one single unit has been built. It is a shame when ignorant folks cannot understand process and talk about jobs and parks that have nothing whatsoever to do with the Final, EIR being discussed.

Lennar has changed its name four times from the first time it registered as a Limited Liability Company in Sacramento to its latest ploy registering itself as a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) in Delaware. Lennar is a Rogue Developer that has NO intention to serve any community, much less a community as exists at Alice Griffith now , and which will be destroyed in a year or two ö because they have been taken for a ride by folks such as Angelo King and Dwayne Jones. It is called GENTRIFICATION. Many at Alice Griffith will be evicted and the few that remain will be thrown to the wind. All this will happen in less then two years.

No one can own a home on Federal Land. You can rent a home but no one should wait for six to seven years, while living in deplorable conditions. More surrounded by toxicity that has already taken a heavy toll of thousands from the early 1950s.

The State Park not far from Alice Griffith Public Housing was a dump site. Stuff went into the Dump Site without any regulations and the Draft, EIR fails to address and focus on the pertinent toxic hotspot in detail. Not far from Alice Griffith the Hunters Points Shipyard in contaminated with Radiological Elements. Yosemite Slough is concentrated with PCBs and other every toxic material. Most folks, that know something of past history, know - that once lead paint, chrome, tires, and all sorts of toxic garbage was dumped into and by Yosemite Slough for so many years.

On the edge of Alice Griffith the street named Carroll raw sewage runs and no one is talking about that. Wood chips and other materials are thrown on the raw sewage and the SF Health Department has done nothing about this for years. In fact the residents of Alice Griffith do not care about this and I wish they were vocal and did something about this as it affects the health of all.

It is difficult, like moving a mountain, talking to the mostly black ignorant folks that are paid by Lennar and bused to City Hall to make false statements about facts. These folks simply do not want to learn about process. It is because of such ignorance and arrogance that they will suffer in the long run.

Four years ago some of us went to the Empowerment Center and only a few people were there to listen to us. No one wanted to be bothered. Of course we had no money to offer the fools, no pizzas, and of course no cheap cool aid. Two years ago again we went with no success. Nine months ago Pastor Alex Toeaina addressed the Samoans at Alice Griffith. These folks listen but really have no fortitude and cannot comprehend the bluffing that Lennar is so famous for.

These folks mostly from Alice Griffith who are with Lennar open their mouths and shove their foot in. Alice Griffith is Public Housing and these mostly indigent folks think it is their permanent residence. There may be some reason for these poor folks that have fallen on bad times to live there for a few years. But, it is ridiculous for some one in Public Housing claiming the land and the housing is theirs. In all my years, dealing with people - I have not met some folks as ignorant as those from Alice Griffith that lie and speak falsehood just because they have been PAID by Lennar.

Long before some folks from Alice Griffith joined the bandwagon Espanola Jackson and I took upon ourselves to defend those at Alice Griffith and made sure language was included to include the Alice Griffith Public Housing Residents in the Resolution and an opportunity to dialogue their destiny. Today, we have folks from Alice Griffith Public Housing accusing us of not living in Alice Griffith and because we do not live in those despicable conditions they say we have no right to speak on matters that affect the EIR and Candlestick Point.

Hunters Point Shipyard and Candlestick Point have been made part of this EIR so that Lennar can divide the community - but his will never, ever work. This is a crying shame and points clearly in the direction of folks that are first uneducated and secondly ungrateful. No wonder they live in such despicable conditions and will never, ever govern their destiny. Dirty, most filthy conditions, and many continue to live in Alice Griffith plagued with drug selling, murder, shootings, prostitutions, and conditions that are inhumane.

Mayor Gavin Newsom and the Mayor's Office of Economic Development and Workforce have chosen not to address the issues at Hunters Point Shipyard and those prevailing at Alice Griffith Public Housing - as one and the same. The two sites have complex issues and cannot be addressed as one. Of course those paid by Lennar with Dwayne Jones and Angelo King at the helm of affairs have divided the community. The joint meeting held at City Hall was disgraceful. That is why when I was called to speak and was the first speaker to do so after standing in line from 12 noon. I spoke and left. I clearly felt the atmosphere in Room 250 not conducive, leading to a healthy and holistic dialogue. I watched the proceeding later on television and was right.

It is the responsibility of the U.S. Navy to clean up the Shipyard. The U.S. Navy helped International Technology (IT) waste $300 million before Tetra Tech was given the contract to clean up the Shipyard. Folks keep saying $700 million was spent but have no idea how the money was spent. If these ignorant folks that are mostly indigent, want to live in despicable conditions that is their prerogative. But, it is NOT for anyone to tell educated folks what to speak on and create animosity as do Angelo King, Dwayne Jones, Mayor, and Gavin Newsom with his antics, and the many sell outs like Aurelious Walker and Veronica Hunnicutt. The EIR is the business of everyone living anywhere in this City and County of San Francisco. If the folks do not understand this they are IGNORANT.

If the speakers that come out mostly from Alice Griffith Public Housing to spew their diatribe had to take an oath and swear that they did not take money from Lennar, over eighty percent of the folks that spews lies and condemn democratic and ethical standards would not participate in any meaningful dialogue.

The paradox is these folks know less about Ethics, and even less about morals. Many of these Alice Griffith residents live day to day in despicable conditions some far worse than the poorest nations on this Earth. For years these folks have not been participating in the deliberations and now suddenly have jumped on the bandwagon thinking they will get something. Knowing Lennar and their track record, Lennar is a venomous snake in the grass and will destroy the lost souls.

I did not see these folks at the many meetings I attended and continue to attend. Never saw them at the Restoration Advisory Board Meetings. Never saw them at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District meetings, at the meeting with the Environmental Protection Agency, at other key meeting held at the Land Use, SF Redevelopment Agency Commission, SF Planning Commission four and three years ago. Now, they all come out with their Ghetto mentality and confused as they are - destroy the good that decent advocates before them have built. Shame on Mayor, Gavin Newsom, Tiffany Bohee, the City Attorney, Dennis Herrera, Angelo King, Veronica Hunnicutt, Aurelious Walker, and the many that really do not give a damn about the community and Quality of Life issues.


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