July 17, 2003 the California Public Utilities Commissioners met at the State Building very near City Hall in San Francisco. The Commissioners meet a few times a year and represent the leading Energy agencies. They are all appointed by the Governor of California who himself may soon have to look out for a job.

The energy crisis has ruined the economy of California and many Crooks who made huge amount of money are roaming free. Some of these so-called commissioners could have taken control of the situation and helped California but they chose not to do so.

We all are familiar with ENRON and more so with some other energy companies closer home like Mirant and Pacific Gas and Electric here in San Francisco. They all made money on the backs of the ratepayer. They faked an energy crisis. They faked energy flowing in and out of the State. They did so much harm to so many that today we have a debt running in the billions of dollars.

Today most of these energy companies have financial problems. Both PG&E and Mirant have declared bankruptcy. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is trying to take the lead and control the San Francisco energy situation. They have messed the clean water and waste water and if given an opportunity they will mess up our Electricity flow.

This commission consists mostly of White men, two White women and a token black man who did not contribute much. Of course they all feel for those minority communities wherein lie the old toxic spewing power plants. I could see their eyes water when I mentioned to them in the two minutes given for Public Comment. They were one with the suffering community for a second or two.

I mentioned to all present that this land we call California was pristine some 300 hundred years ago. The first people of San Francisco are the Muwekma Ohlone. The first people left the land, air, and water clean - some strangers screwed it all up in the name of GREED.

Today all over California in the name of the Almighty Dollar, touting the false name of Energy - millions suffer from the toxic spewing aging Power Plants. Asthma and other respiratory diseases are on the increase and the operators of the Power Plants could not give a hoot.

Commissioner Freeman who prides himself as being the oldest was bold to speak sometimes in turn but also many times out or turn. He is like the erratic power fluctuations we all experienced before and which may be the signs of the times.

Some of us are familiar with commissioner Susan Kennedy she got us messed up with Oracle not too long ago. It was interesting to see the CPUC commissioners weasel out of a situation during Public Comment and some times during the deliberations. These are shrewd people putting an act for those of us who can see clear through their whimsical ploys.

The commissioners spoke about Natural Gas, Aging Power Plants, the Energy Action Plan, the Transmission Lines, the Independent System Operator, and a host of Energy issues. There was lots of hot air and gas flying around with the audience trying their best to fathom the depth of the convoluted verbosity.

It is amazing to hear these so called experts spew hot air. These commissioners should keep in mind that the ratepayer is fully responsible for the Power Plants, many of which pollute the air and adversely harm millions in California. The ratepayers make the Power Plant operators very rich giving them their hard earned money.

For the first time in ages the Energy Action Plan should have helped the ratepayers play any important role and take charge of the situation in hand. The Commissioners can help the common person but from what I saw they are in bed with the CROOKS.

The talk of Marketing gas, electricity, contracts, is all tied to GREED. In all the talk there was no mention of accountability and transparency.

The material given was classic. It said a lot about nothing at all:

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