Serious Radiological Issues.


March 31, 2004 is a day that will go down in infamy as far as Hunters Point Shipyard is concerned. On this day the crooks with intent chose to connive with Lennar BVHP LLC to build 1600 units on a toxic dump that is Parcel A.

In today's world with all the information we have about radiological hot spots and toxins such as lead and PCBs no one who is sane will live near such a toxic dump. How ever Mayor Gavin Newsom and his buddy Jessie Blout think nothing of putting thousands of people - all innocent people in harm way.

The legal documents that are the foundation of any Public Discussion have not been discussed nor signed legally. The Historical Radiological Report some 800 pages plus has not been reviewed nor comments received by the Public at Large.

Crooks seasoned by their stay at San Francisco Redevelopment Agency (SFRA) are working day and night - geared up to build over 1600 housing units on a toxic dump. The surrounding parcels B,C,D, and E much of which is under water is all contaminated. It does not matter to the developers and those behind this devious scheme - to go ahead and adversely impact workers who will work on the proposed project. It does not matter to the crooks who will live on the grounds of the proposed development. It does matter to know that these crooks have blood on their hands.

In the interim the long infighting at the Restoration Advisory Board meetings can now take off on another angle and I hope the RAB understands that the Navy has screwed them over.

The City Health Department, the SFRA, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development are all set to make money on the backs of innocent people. Most of these crooks do not live in the City and County of San Francisco. So it does not matter to them what happens at Hunters Point. It does matter that they make money.

Joining the crooks the Tabernacle Group consisting of the leading Church Leaders from Bayview Hunters Point who have sold their souls to the devil. They have not seen anything yet - they will witness what is coming to them if not in this life some other that they hold dear to their heart. At least that is what their Mamas must have told them.

Some Community Based Organizations and so-called community leaders mostly Black have sold out. This is nothing new - the Whites have a way of dividing and ruling and the Blacks have not learned much from what slavery did to them for hundreds of years.

Soon housing units will be built on Parcle B, D, and C. You may even see a floating Casino floating on Parcel E. Greed knows no bounds and those with devious minds will go to any length to make money. Money is the God of those who have no souls. They are the living dead.

A few of us have fought hard but it is difficult to fight crooks that hold 40 plus sub committees in a month. Previously the Citizens Advisory Committee linked to the Hunters Point Shipyard could not hold a single meeting a month - and when they met often time they lacked the quorum.

Crooks mostly Blacks who worked with Willie L. Brown Jr. and SFRA and took directions from Marcia Rosen and Jessie Blout who worked for SFRA. Now he has jumped ship and is the Director of the Mayor's Office of Economic Development. You have not seen anything yet - the fireworks are coming.

Shame on Mayor Gavin Newsom and his team of crooks. The Developers want to make money and they will build on a Toxic DumpSite and try to entice others to live there. I hope no one pays heed to the crooks and that nature rebels and teaches them a good lesson.

The Navy has educated the Methane Gas to communicate - may be when it ignites and sends out a flare of sorts - the City and County of San Francisco will learn a lesson.

In the mean time, I hope that Gavin Newsom and his cronies learn to spell the word - LIABILITY.

Navy, S.F. finally agree on turning over Hunters Point shipyard

Polluted Hunters Point.

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